About Us
The Schoolroom Community Café is run by volunteers as a non-profit-making enterprise. We’re open every Wednesday from 10.30am to 1.30pm (we close only over part of the Christmas period). It’s a safe environment for both adults and children.
The Venue

The Café is situated in The People’s Hall, School Lane, Toft.
The building was originally the village school – hence our Café’s name – and is now used as a multi-purpose community venue. You can choose to sit in the cosy interior, or take your drinks and food outside to our paved courtyard. Free parking is available in the car park opposite, and there’s disabled parking right outside the Hall door.
Please note that the outside seating is not in a fenced area and children should be supervised at all times.
Funtime for Little Ones

Come and join us on Wednesday mornings for a half-hour session of Funtime for Little Ones, from 10.30am. We offer songs, rhymes and stories for you and your little one to enjoy time together. It’s free, and there’s no need to book. Afterwards why not have a coffee and cake in the Café, catch up with your friends and make new ones?
Welcome to all
We are a Community Café, for the people of Toft – and for anyone else who might like to share a drink with friends, or enjoy a bowl of homemade soup at lunchtime. All our cakes, biscuits and soup are locally made, and we aim to cater for most special dietary needs.
We’re always very pleased to welcome new volunteers, to help with serving, baking cakes or making soup.
Opening Times
Open on Wednesdays from 10:30 to 1:30